Announcing Havens Nook ($HXN) Uniswap Liquidity Program

We are excited to announce that we are launching our Uniswap Liquidity Program with 15% $HXN in monthly rewards for Uniswap liquidity providers. The liquidity program is going to be launched on February 1st.
How to be eligible?
1- Whitelist your address and add liquidity to Havens Nook Uniswap trading pair
2- Add 0.1-1 ETH min of liquidity, plus 0.1–1 ETH worth of HXN tokens
3- Each qualifying liquidity add is only eligible for rewards 30 days after they are added
4- If you remove liquidity, you’ll be disqualified
5- By adding liquidity you’ll earn 0.3% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool
how to add liquidity to the pool:
- Visit:
- Click “Add Liquidity”
- Enter the amount of ETH and HXN you want to add to the pool (min 0.1 eth) and Approve the transaction
- Once the transaction is confirmed, click “Supply” and accept the transaction
HXN is an Ethereum-based token that introduces a new concept proof of fun (POF).
We hope to see you soon in Havens Nook.