$HXN Adds New Exchange partners

If you caught our recent recap, you already know the $HXN-ETH pair is available for trading and liquidity providers on Uniswap.
Havens Nook has been working to bring even more exchange options to widen opportunities for you to support the Project in places you already use and to expose our following to more ways to trade that might be new to them.
Seizing every opportunity to help our supporters, HN has participated in some recent listing contests and pursued multichain possibilities to increase our reach as well as provide a variety of options. We are pleased that these include:
Quickswap and through the Polygon bridge, users can easily move their funds to trade and add liquidity through the Matic Network at lightning-fast speeds with near-zero gas costs. QuickSwap is a permissionless decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Ethereum, powered by Matic Network’s Layer 2 scalability infrastructure. By utilizing Layer 2 for transactions for transactions, QuickSwap users will be able to trade any ERC20 asset including $HXN.
1inch is a DeFi aggregator/DEX that scans decentralized exchanges to find the lowest cryptocurrency prices for traders.The core protocol connects a large number of decentralized and centralized platforms including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.
SushiSwap also offers swapping capabilities and LPs can add liquidity with simplicity anytime.
$HXN Wins !
The outstanding HN Community showed up strong in the recent coin listing competition on Txbit.io . Member votes were an amazing force to clinch the $HXN listing.. Ability to trade the $HXN-ETH & BTC pair will begin June 2021.
In addition, Vision Crypto App conducted a Twitter poll for the next addition to their multi-chain wallet and portfolio tracker. $HXN won, thanks to the unmatched support of our members and is now listed in the app giving you yet another avenue to store, acquire and keep track of all your investments!
As always, we have our supporters in mind going forward and will continue developing in the most beneficial and innovative ways we can. The future looks bright!
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